Saturday, November 30, 2013

Watermelon (Pakwan) Farming Update - Diana's Turn (30/11/2013)

Diana variety 1 week old fruit

After showing you the green watermelons, here are the yellow watermelons... Diana variety. This variety tastes sweeter than the green ones according to my L and she prefers them even if they have smaller fruits. Compared to Kaneko variety (green), Diana variety (yellow) weighs less when matured because their weight is usually 1 - 3 kgs. while the Kanekos can reach 8 kgs. or even more.

more yellow watermelons hiding under the big leaves

I'm thinking these Diana watermelons will be ready before the Christmas vacation wherein more people will come home to our place. I wish they will choose our watermelon stall along the highway which by the way was prepared by my guys and ready for the first batch of watermelons. Most probably, there will be some big watermelons on display by Dec. 5. (Calling my love, I need your help. I need some photos of our stall).

tita maring with our Diana watermelons

It's not just the fruits that I am amaze actually but also those big leaves of the watermelons. My guys are doing great and I am hoping that their reward will be greater today compared to last year.

On the other hand, allow me to share photos of the green watermelons as of today. My L was informed that we already have some fruits weighing 7 - 8 kgs each. Wow! Take a look... 

my cutie model is not in the mood... :)

tita Maring proudly showing 1 fruit

c'mon go BIG!

Thanks my L for the photos... i love you...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Watermelon (Pakwan) Farming Update - 2 WEEKS TO GO!!!

watermelons hiding under the leaves

Hi there! Have a look at those green balls! It's just a matter of days before the harvest of the first batch of watermelons. I was so excited when I first saw these pictures which were sent to me so I immediately posted them here for everyone to see.

watermelons everywhere!!!

The patience of my guys was rewarded with these fruits that will be ready for picking very soon. I wish I could have some pictures of the first fruit that will be sliced for sampling before the big harvest. My L will be smiling from ear to ear because she and our two cutie models will feast again with their favorite fruit. Although she prefers the yellow variety, Diana, because it taste sweeter according to her. 

And to add more color to my post today, I have invited my watermelon little ladies... Although I think the younger one is not in the mood when these photos were taken. Haha! 

nyeee... i'm afraid here...

pose ka na ading...

Come on little model strike a pose with your ate. I wish they were able to go near the fruits but my models might step on the vines. Besides it is very itchy and there might be some grasses with razor sharp leaves that could cut their skin.
So what can you say beautiful lady?

yahooo!!!! i love watermelon!!!