Saturday, December 7, 2013

Watermelon (Pakwan) Farming Update - First Harvest 05/12/2013

We had our first harvest last Thursday and was immediately bought by only one buyer! Though I believe they harvested only around 50 - 60 fruits basing from the figures reported to me. The main harvest will be on the 10th of this month and my people might start selling in our stall along the highway after the harvest. We are also hoping that there will be another buyer who would buy in bulk in the next harvest so as to lessen the fruits that will be needed to be sold in the stall.

I wasn't able to post some pics of the harvesting activity and the sample for the free taste this time as my L was not in the mood to send them to me. Her mood swings from left to right unexpectedly these past few days but I hope she could send me new photos soon.

The prevailing price for watermelon at the moment is just the same as last year, 20 - 25 pesos/ kilo for the green watermelon. For the yellow ones I still need to check but I think it will be around 40 - 50 pesos per kilo. So what are you waiting for. Buy na!!!